
Enneagram and Focus by Ana Paula Pranto

10.00 9.00

ENNEAGRAM AND FOCUS is a practical guide to support change. As far as the Enneagram is concerned, Focus reveals itself to be a magic key to the realm of self-motivation and self-leadership.

Ana Paula Pranto promises with this little work a simple and practical interpretation of the mechanism that commands us daily: our focus. Understanding it, will enhance the ability to show and put into practice, the fabulous qualities that each Personality Type possesses.

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Product Description

ana paula pranto ENEAGRAMA SELF COACH personalidade

Ana Paula Pranto

Ana Paula Pranto is one of only three international Enneagram teachers in Portugal, recognised by the IEA – International Enneagram Association.

Since falling in love with the Enneagram and its potential for Behavioural Development, and integrating her other areas of training, she has created a series of tools that enable her to support and accelerate personal and professional development processes.

It is possible to get to know her work through Consultancy, Training and Lectures or Individual Sessions.

With a degree in Business Management and more than 30 years of business career, since 2018 she has been one of the enneagram teachers associated with the team building process of a multinational company worldwide.

Partner and co-founder of Walk Your Way as well as founding partner and current President of AEPORT – Enneagram Association of Portugal, she has organised and been a speaker at different International Enneagram conferences.



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